Vascularized Pigment Epithelial DetachmentMay be accepted as precursor findings of choroidal neovascularisation
Vascularized Pigment Epithelial DetachmentVascularized PED: Bazen de bu hastada olduğu gibi lezyona koroid neovasküler membranın eşlik ettiği çok açık bir bulgu olarak karşımıza...
Fibrovascular Pigment Epithelial Detachment Fibrovacular Pigment Epithelial Detachment veya Neovascular PED : Burada gördüğümüz PED diğerlerinden farklı özellikler sergiliyor;...
Pigment Epithelial DetachmentMostly encountered in armd but other etiologies must be considered in differential diagnosis
Retinal Pigment Epithelial TearsA rare but devastating complication of both the disease itself and treatment in armd.