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Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy
An acute inflammatory disease of the retina pigment epithelium

Relentless Placoid Chorioretinitis
White dot syndrome

Central Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy (CACD)
Hereditary disease of the choroid

Combined choroidal neovascularization
Combined type 1 and type 2 choroidal neovascularisation in armd

Sympathetic ophthalmia
Posttraumatic uveitis

Bacillary layer detachment, extensive changes in structure of the retina

Retinal Angiomatous Proliferation (RAP)
neovascularisation in the retina, armd

Peripapillary Choroidal Neovascularisation
Choroidal neovascularisation originating from the peripapillary region

Subfoveal Choroidal Neovascular Membrane
Armd with choroidal neovascularisation underneath the fovea.

Juxtafoveal Chorodial Neovascular Membrane
Choroidal neovascularisation adjacent to foveal region

Type 1 Neovascularisation
Most frequently encountered choroidal neovascularisation type in armd

Idiopathic Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
A rare subtype of armd, there are more cases diagnosed in recent years.

Vascularized Pigment Epithelial Detachment
May be accepted as precursor findings of choroidal neovascularisation

Pigment Epithelial Detachment
Mostly encountered in armd but other etiologies must be considered in differential diagnosis

Retinal Pigment Epithelial Tears
A rare but devastating complication of both the disease itself and treatment in armd.
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