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Triple layer sign, Double layer sign, SIRE, Ped - 2
Double Layer Sign Double layer sign: Burada yer alan OCT kesiti incelendiğinde tam fovea altında ve genişce bir alanda retina pigment...
Triple layer sign, Double layer sign, SIRE, Ped - 1
Triple layer sign in ARMD
Pearl necklace sign
The Pearl Neklace Sign Pearl neklace sign retina içinde yer alan kistik boşlukların iç yüzeyinde yüksek yansıtıcılıklı noktaların bir...
Dark choroidal sign / Stargardt disease
Stargardt disease with dark choroidal sign, flecks and foveal atrophy
Choroidal neovascularization in Angioid Streaks
Choroidal neovascularization in angioid streaks
Bilateral peripapillary Congenital Hypertrophy of the RPE (CHRPE)
Extensive pigmentation and atrophy with lacunas at the peripapillary region. Bilateral peripapillary Congenital Hypertrophy of the RPE
Frosted retinal angiitis
Yoğun intraoküler enflamasyona bağlı olarak perivasküler alanın yoğun enflamatuar hücrelerle dolmasına bağlı olarak karşımıza çıkar.
Dehemoglobinized Sub-hyaloid Hemorrhage / Valsalva Retinopathy
Dehemoglobinized Sub-hyaloid Hemorrhage / Valsalva Retinopathy
Best vitelliform macular dystrophy
Best vitelliform dystrophy and different clinical forms
Optic neuritis and macular serous retinal detachment
optic neuritis, serous macular detachment, neuroretinitis, hot dots
Chorioretinitis Juxtapapillaris (Jensen Chorioretinitis)
Chorioretinitis Juxtapapillaris (Jensen Chorioretinitis)
Adult-onset foveomacular vitelliform dystrophy
Adult-onset foveomacular vitelliform dystrophy
Drusenoid pigment epithelial detachment, Brush border pattern, Pigment epithelial bumps
Multifocal Pattern Dystrophy
Pattern dystrophies of the retina
Bear Tracks, choroidal folds, pattern dystrophy
Pigmented lesions of the retina with choroidal folds and pattern dystrophy
Disorganization of Retinal Inner Layers (DRIL)
Diabetik retinopati, maküla ödemi, DRIL bulgusu
Peau d'orange - angioid streaks
Peau d'orange - angioid streaks: Hastanın fundus fotoğrafı incelendiğinde, papilla etrafından başlayarak her yöne yayılan düzensiz,...
Berlin’s Edema
macular edema secondary to blunt trauma
Reticular Pattern Dystrophy
Reticular Pattern Dystrophy; Orta yaşlarda erkek hasta, her iki gözde görme azalması yakınması ile başvurdu, muayenesinde her iki gözde...
Central Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy
Hereditary disease of the choroid
Florid Diabetic Retinopathy
Extensive ischemia of the retina in diabetic retinopathy
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